Culture Wisdom of Marriage
Wisdom Of Muslim Marriage
Islam considers marriage a social obligation. It is an act which is greatly admired by Allah and recommended by his messengers Alayhimus Salaatu Wassalaam.It is the natural relationship between man and woman as the Quran has explicitly stated in these words: ‘Glory to Allah Who has created in pairs all things that the earth produces as well as their own human kind’. In another Ayat it is said: ‘That He created in pairs – male and female from a seed when lodged (in its place)’.
All these verses of the Quran relate to the mystery of the sexual life: All things are created in pairs, each sex performs its proper function and yet its wonderful working is part of the creative process of Allah.
The first objective of the Islamic Law of marriage is that it protects the morals of the people. Islam forbids adultery and fornication. It compels both man and woman to discipline their natural desires in a way that protects them from indecency. That is why the Quran mentions the marriage contract (Nikah) by the word of ihsan.The man who contracts a marriage is Muhsin and the woman who marries him is a Muhsinah.In other words they build a fortress in the form of marriage to protect their morals. This is an objective for which every other motive can be sacrificed but which itself cannot be sacrificed for any other objective.
The second objective of marriage is that the relationship between the sexes should be based on the mutual cooperation, love, mercy and kindness for each other so that they enjoy that comfort, pleasure, peace and happiness the attainment of which is vital for a vibrant and happy society.
The Quranic Verses clearly reflect that the purpose and idea of marriage is love, mercy and kindness.The Quran mentions this in these words: ‘Among His Signs is that He created mates for you from among yourselves that you may find rest in them and He has put love and mercy between your hearts.’